Course Description
This donation-based course introduces students to the essential practices of Deity-Worship, a key aspect of sadhana-bhakti. Topics include understanding the Deity, the importance of worship, and the correct approach. The course also covers internal and external cleanliness, Aratik and Bhoga-offering procedures, and the care of Srimati Tulasi Devi.
Designed for practical application, this course equips students with the skills needed for proper Deity service, both at home and in a temple. The teacher has provided detailed course material in PDF format, ensuring students have access to essential resources to support their learning and practice of Deity-Worship.
Course Material
Comprehensive course material in PDF format, covering all essential aspects of the course
Target Audience
Devotees interested in learning Deity-Worship and its importance.
Assessment Plan
Practical demonstration of worship practices and understanding of course material.
Important Guidelines for Students
Punctual and complete participation
Learning Outcomes
- Gain foundational understanding of Deity-Worship.
- Develop practical skills for home worship and daily rituals.
Why Should You Attend?
This course offers essential insights into Deity-Worship, an integral part of sadhana-bhakti, and is required for receiving first initiation in Germany.
What Problems Does This Course Address?
The course addresses challenges in establishing proper home worship standards and provides necessary knowledge for performing Deity-Worship correctly.