Course Description
The Teacher Training Course(1 & 2) is designed to enhance teaching skills within Krishna conscious education. It focuses on speaking, using resources effectively, setting clear goals, and providing feedback. The course emphasizes interactive teaching styles, empathic listening, and experiential learning to create a holistic teaching experience.
Course Material
Lesson Plans
Target Audience
Devotees interested in improving their Krishna conscious teaching skills.
Assessment Plan
Continuous assessment through practical teaching demonstrations and oral feedback.
Important Guidelines for Students
Engage actively, practice empathic listening, and apply interactive teaching methods.
Learning Outcomes
Why Should You Attend?
Attending this course will empower you to teach effectively within the Krishna conscious community, helping you contribute meaningfully to ISKCON’s educational purposes. It offers practical tools and skills to enhance your teaching methods and engagement with students.
What Problems Does This Course Address?
This course addresses the challenges of effective teaching in Krishna consciousness by improving skills in lesson planning, feedback, and interactive engagement. It also focuses on overcoming common issues such as lack of empathy and ineffective communication in the classroom.
Start Date & End Date
1 Subject
1 Courses • 1 Students
Kirtida Sundari Dasi was introduced to Krishna consciousness in 2009 and received her first initiation in 2011 and second initiation in 2013 from HH Bhakti Charu Swami Mahārāj. These initiations have been significant milestones in her deep spiritual journey and commitment to devotional life.
She currently serves as the Head of the Vedavarsity department at IBMVNA, where she guides students in Vedic studies. Additionally, Kirtida is one of the chief coordinators of the Bhakti Sanga japa group, an online platform dedicated to fostering community and devotion through the chanting of holy names.
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